Ricks Energy Solutions Inc. conducts green home energy analysis and consulting for California homes and businesses following green building codes and regulations. California homes and business regulations have been upgraded by law to be more energy efficient while improving the environment.
Energy Consulting in California
California is one of the leading states for energy efficiency and we are willing to go further with individual homes and businesses to improve the use of our energy. There are several ways to improve your home’s energy and cut the cost of your bills, while saving the environment.
- Reduce energy bills
- Reduce energy consumption of the building
- Assist builders and designers to implement energy-efficient practices into their designs.
- Compliance with Title 24 Energy Standards
Certified Energy Analysts in California
Our CABEC Certified Energy Analysts will work with you to go over building plans to determine the best possible ways and methods to reduce energy use and bills. Before building, we supply you with the right compliance to Title 24, so you can apply for your build permit.
What we offer in energy analysis:
- HERS Testing & Verification
- HVAC sizing calculations and duct plan
- ACCA Manuals J, D, and S
- Instructions on how to comply with CALGreen
Contact Rick’s Energy Solutions Inc. for expert energy analysis and consulting in California on your new or remodeled home or business.